• Phone: (+91) 9997478949
  • sgeindia2019@gmail.com



At the Society for Green Environment (SGE), New Delhi, India we are dedicated to fostering knowledge, awareness, and actionable insights in the realm of environmental sustainability. Our commitment extends to providing a dynamic platform for learning, sharing, and collaborating. We are thrilled to announce our ongoing series of symposia, meticulously designed to explore diverse aspects of environmental conservation and sustainability.

Hybrid Mode - Bridging Boundaries: Our symposia are conducted via a hybrid mode, seamlessly blending online and offline participation. This unique approach ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations can actively engage in discussions, enriching the dialogue on environmental sustainability.

Diverse Topics, Expert Perspectives: Explore an array of topics ranging from climate change and biodiversity conservation to sustainable practices and green innovations. Our symposia feature esteemed speakers, experts, and thought leaders who share their knowledge and insights, empowering participants to contribute meaningfully to environmental preservation.

Interactive Learning Experience: Participate in interactive sessions, Q&A discussions, and workshops that enhance your understanding of pressing environmental issues. The symposia are crafted to provide a holistic learning experience, encouraging collaboration and the exchange of ideas among participants.

Upcoming Webinars: Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming symposia. The schedule includes sessions on emerging trends, environmental challenges, and innovative solutions. Bookmark our website and follow us on (https://www.facebook.com/SGEIndia2019/) for timely announcements.

How to Join: Participating in our webinars is easy. Simply register for the upcoming events on our website, and you'll receive details on how to join the session. Whether you prefer to attend in person or virtually, our hybrid mode accommodates your choice.

Be a Catalyst for Change: Join us in our mission to drive positive change for the environment. Your participation in our webinars contributes to a global network of individuals committed to creating a sustainable future.

Share the Knowledge: Spread the word about our symposia. Encourage your peers, colleagues, and friends to join the discussions. Together, we amplify the impact of our collective efforts for a greener, healthier planet.

Thank you for being part of the Society for Green Environment (SGE), India's journey towards environmental awareness and sustainable living.

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