Dr. Vineet Kumar
President, SGE
Conference committees commits to ensuring the continued successful planning, implementation, and conduct of SGE’s Annual Conferences well into the future. The Conference Committee focuses on ensuring that the Annual Conference is technically current, educational, and interesting to the SGE membership as well as the environmental professions at large. This committee is led by SGE’s president and is comprised of two parts: the Permanent Conference Committee and the Annual Conference Committee. The leaders and members of the Conference Committee work together to successfully plan and run each Annual Conference. The Permanent Conference Committee assists SGE by planning the location for future conferences, making recommendations to ensure SGE’s Annual Conference maintains its high professional standards and integrity, and interfacing with the SGE’s Governing Body to promote their engagement in the conference planning process. With the agreement of the Governing Body, the Conference Committee Chair will select the Sponsorship Committee. At a minimum, it includes SGE’s President, Treasurer, and other members.
President, SGE
Secretary General, SGE
Research Scientist, Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, India
Asst. Professor Dyal Singh Evening College, DU
Asst. Professor, GGV, C.G.
Associate Professor , American University of Sharjah, UAE
Research Scientist, CPHK, New Delhi
JSPS Fellow, Gifu University, Japan
Postdoctoral Fellow, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Asst. Professor, Gramin Science College, Maharashtra
Scientist, MCSRC, Patna, Bihar
Asst. Professor, LPU, Punjab
Research Assistant, MCSRC, Patna, Bihar
Asst. Professor, SU, Noida, U.P.
Scientist, Arabian Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain
The Annual Conference Committee is interested in hearing from SGE members who would like to assist in the planning of the conference. The Conference Committee is also searching for volunteers to participate in the Permanent Conference Committee. If you are interested in planning of future Annual Conference locations and activities, please contact to Dr. Vineet Kumar at secretarygeneral.sge@gmail.com.
The Symposium Committee shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the Annual International Symposium. This includes; ensuring that all aspects of the symposium are being developed in an appropriate time frame and within budget; working with the Program Committee to ensure that a cohesive theme for the symposium is developed, the symposium is international in scope and presentation, and the symposium is aligned with the mission of the society; provides timely and appropriate updates to SGE’s Governing Body on decisions related to the symposium during regularly scheduled board meetings; serves the central role of ensuring communication and coordination among the Symposium Committee, the Sponsorship Committee, and the Local Organizing Committee. With the agreement of the Governing Body, the Symposium Chair will select the Symposium Committee. At a minimum, this includes SGE’s President, Treasurer and a representative of the Local Organizing Committee.
President, SGE
Secretary General, SGE
Research Scientist, Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, India
JSPS Fellow, Gifu University, Japan
Postdoctoral Fellow, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Asst. Professor, GGV, C.G.
The Symposium Committee is interested in hearing from SGE members who would like to assist in the planning of the conference. The Conference Committee is also searching for volunteers to participate in the Permanent Conference Committee. If you are interested in planning of future Annual Symposium locations and activities, please contact to Dr. Vineet Kumar at secretarygeneral.sge@gmail.com.