• Phone: (+91) 9997478949
  • sgeindia2019@gmail.com

Seminar & Workshop

Seminar & Workshop

Dear Members and Supporters,

We are excited to announce our upcoming series of seminars and symposia organized by the Society for Green Environment, India. With a commitment to environmental protection and human health, these events will be conducted in a hybrid mode, allowing both online and offline participation.

Aim: The primary aim of these conferences is to foster a holistic understanding of the intricate relationship between the environment and human health. By bringing together experts, professionals, and enthusiasts, we aim to facilitate discussions and share insights that contribute to the betterment of both our planet and the well-being of its inhabitants.

Format: The hybrid format ensures flexibility, enabling participants to join either in person or virtually. We believe this approach enhances accessibility, allowing a broader audience to engage in conversations about crucial topics related to environmental sustainability, health, and the intersection of the two.

Key Topics:

  • Environmental Impact on Human Health
  • Sustainable Practices for a Greener Future
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Balance
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • Innovations in Green Technologies

How to Participate: Stay tuned for detailed information on each event, including registration details and program schedules. Participants can choose to attend physically at the venue or join virtually from the comfort of their homes.

Join Us in the Conversation: These events provide a platform for collaboration, learning, and networking. We invite you to be an active participant, whether on-site or online, as we collectively strive for a healthier planet and communities.

Stay Connected: For updates and announcements, follow us on https://www.facebook.com/SGEIndia2019/ and visit our website https://www.sgeindia.org. Together, let's protect our environment and promote human health for a sustainable future.

Thank you for your continued support.

our Sponsors

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