• Phone: (+91) 9997478949
  • sgeindia2019@gmail.com

About the SGE Membership

About the SGE Membership

SGE is an open platform for people from the India and abroad who want to work as an Academician, Activist, Scientist, Advisor, Volunteer, and Sympathizer on environmental issues of the earth. Anyone may be a member of the Society (SGE) from any part of the world. Any major individual of sound mind and integrity having unflinching faith in the aims and objectives of the society can become its Life Member enjoying voting rights. The membership of the Society shall be open to all persons interested in any field like Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology/Environmental Sciences/Food Microbiology and Toxicology/and Plant Biotechnology.


  • The Society shall have the grades of Student Member, Member, Fellow and Honorary Fellow. In addition, institutions and organizations will be given Institutional or Corporate membership on payment of dues and satisfying other eligibility criteria as specified by the executive body from time to time.
  • Fellow of the Society will be the highest grade of membership.
  • A graduate in engineering, technology, science, social sciences, humanities, or having equivalent qualification as recognized by SGE may apply for the membership of the Society. In the case of unrecognized qualifications, SGE Governing Body will decide on the recognition of the qualifications. The same shall be updated in the membership documentation from time to time. Award of membership shall be at the sole discretion of the EC.
  • A member may withdraw permanently from the membership of the society at any time by giving a notice in writing to the secretary. In such cases, neither partial nor full refund of the membership fee shall be done under any circumstances. There shall not be an exception to this provision.
  • The membership of any student member/ member/ fellow can be withdrawn by SGE G.B. in case of the unethical, immoral, and criminal conduct of the individual concerned. Any action not in alignment with the objectives, interests, and purpose of the society may also lead to suspension of the membership. The permanent withdrawal can only be done after an opportunity to present his/ her views to the G.B. has been given to the defaulting member. The decision of the SGE G.B. in this regard shall be final and irrevocable in all such cases.

There shall be three classes of members:

  • Annual members
  • Life members
  • Fellow/ Honorary members

Life members

This membership is bestowed upon Honorary Members and any other individual who might be granted this special recognition by the Governing Body. Membership fees are applicable to an annual review and thus can change every year. Membership fees are discussed during the spring meeting of the Governing Body.

Fellow/ Honorary Fellow

  • To recognize its members, for their significant contributions to the field and to the Society, the Society can elect them to Fellow grade.
  • At least two nominations highlighting the contributions of the nominee by the members of EC/Fellows/Past Chairmen shall be required for consideration of up-gradation to Fellow grade membership.
  • GB of the Society shall evaluate all such nominations and upgrade the suitable nominees to the fellow grade, based on the merit of each case individually.
  • Only existing members with at least one-year membership without any dues can be considered for up-gradation to Fellow grade membership. Non-members can only be given honorary Fellow grade by invitation. All such invitations have to be made by the chairman of SGE after due to approval by GB by at least two-third majority.
  • The newly elected fellows and Honorary Fellows shall be honored in an appropriate event organized by the Society.

Privileges of Members

  • The Life and Fellow members shall have the right to vote at all meetings of the General Body, to propose candidates for admission to the Society and shall have other rights, privileges and duties as mentioned in various sections of this Constitution and amended from time to time by the General Body.
  • They shall also be entitled, so long as their annual subscription (in case of annual members) is not in arrears, to receive a printed copy of each issue of the Society’s journal and such other publications of the Society as the Executive Council may determine and, access to all the publications on the Society’s website.
  • The rights and privileges of a member will cease in case of default in dues to the Society of the type and duration determined by the General Body.
  • A member whose subscription is paid up to date shall be entitled: To be notified of all relevant activities of the Society.
  • To vote at all Annual General Body Meetings and special meetings of the Society and voting (online/ ballot) on various issues including elections and referendums.
  • Reduced registration fee in the events organized under the banner of the Society.
  • Receive a copy of the proceedings of the meetings (to the corporate members only).
  • To be included in a directory of experts along with the domain expertise to be published by the SGE from time to time.
  • Corporate members will be able to send two delegates free/ subsidized rates to the events organized by the Society. They will also get a partial fee waiver in the advertisement published in the society newsletters/ literature/ SGE website.

Membership Benefits Include

  • A professional network allowing you to share ideas and experiences with your colleagues from around the world.
  • A platform for individuals to present their work and peer review projects relevant to industry and academia.
  • Discounts on SGE conferences and workshops.
  • News that is relevant and contains “what you need to know” to stay current.
  • Access to career and employment services available on the SGE website.


  • There shall be no admission fee but a registration fee fixed by the General Body.
  • There will a lifetime membership fee for newly admitted Life Members and an annual membership fee as fixed by the General Body.
  • The annual subscription fee prevailing at the time of the membership is payable every year in advance and shall become due on the 1st day of each financial year (April to March), except that a candidate elected during the month of February or March shall not have to pay the subscription for the current year unless he desires to receive the publications of the Society issued to the members in that particular year.
  • The life membership fee shall be equal to twelve annual subscriptions payable in one to three equal instalments to be paid within a year from the time a member applies for life membership.
  • Annual Members, who have held their membership of the Society for more than twelve years without break, shall be eligible to commute the membership fee paid in the previous six years, towards payment of life membership fee. The members shall submit applications for commutation in writing to the Secretary of the Society accompanied by the balance of life membership fee in lump sum.
  • After the lapse of one year of subscription falling in arrears, the membership will be cancelled automatically.
  • Within one month of the end of each financial year, the Treasurer shall send a reminder to every member, whose subscription is in arrears. If the arrears are not paid within three months of the dispatch of the letter, the Executive Council shall remove the member's name from the Society's register.
  • Any member whose name has been removed from the register of the Society under the preceding rule may seek admission as a new member on payment of registration fee and the membership fee.

Termination of Membership

  • Any member of the society who works against the interests, objectives, and reputation of the society (SGE) will cease to be its members. The Governing Body has full power to take such a decision.
  • A member of the society including a founder member shall cease to be a membership of the society if He/ She die, resign, become of unsound mind, become insolvent, or is convicted of a criminal offense.
  • He/ She does not attend three consecutive meetings of the Society. However, if he/she submits or sends prior written information to the President or General Secretary mentioning the proper reason for his/her absence, his/her membership may be continued.
  • He/ She fails to pay the subscription or dues to the society continuously for three months after the due date.
  • A member may resign from the membership of the Society any time by a letter addressed to the President or General Secretary. The General Secretary or General Body shall have full powers to accept such resignations. There shall not be the restoration of membership after termination.
  • Donor: Any person paying a Rs. 40,000/- (For Foreign: **US $1000) only, can become a donor of the SGE, An individual donor shall be all the rights and privileges of a member during his/her lifetime.
  • Note: All bank drafts should be drawn in favor of "Treasurer, Society for Green Environment, New Delhi payable at any branch in Agra. Members are requested to mention their membership No. while making any correspondence to the SGE office.

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